Musicians manage to record technically extremely demanding works very impressively (…)
dr. Jan
Their performances are as sensitive as they are flawless. The ensemble prefers a soft and round sound, so that their playing is always full-bodied and pleasant.
(…) all five musicians have excellent tones and play with enthusiasm.
Lynn René BayleyThe Art Music Lounge
(…) this wind quintet is a world class ensemble (...) they are a spectacular group of professional orchestral virtuoso soloists who have magically forged an intimate bond of musical understanding.
Michael MoranA music critic
Craft, virtuosity, noticeable in their playing passion and love towards music is a further proof on how wonderful and unique artists we can boast all around the world.
Robert RatajczakLong Play
Young artists met the challeng, they simply had fun with music. Their perform perfection, excellent cooperation and musicality let them build true creations. I feel willingness for their next concerts (…)
Anna WoźniakowskaA music critic
(…) You need to appreciate maestry and extraordinary creative inventiveness of the Cracow ensemble, great sound, teamwork and ease in transitioning from serious tone to a sound joke. Noble entertainment from the top shelf.
Witold PaprockiThe Ruch Muzyczny